Category Archives: JavaServer Faces

Raspberry Pi, Java, and the GoPiGo3 – Part 2: JSF Software Proof of Concept

GoPiGo3 JSF Control Panel

Now that you have constructed your GoPiGo3 robot car and can access its desktop from your PC, as explained in my previous article Raspberry Pi, Java, and the GoPiGo3 – Part 1: Setting up the GoPiGo3, you are ready to set up your coding environment. In this blog you will learn how to run the simple proof of concept application… Read more »

Using Font Awesome Icons in a JavaServer Faces h:commandButton

This will be a short blog. Today I spent way too much time looking for a solution. I am writing a web app for my GoPiGo3 robot car. The first version used 5 JSF h:commandButton buttons labelled forward, right, reverse, left and stop. I wanted to replace them with icons from the Font Awesome library. I thought this was a… Read more »