Category Archives: Raspberry Pi

Using Font Awesome Icons in a JavaServer Faces h:commandButton

This will be a short blog. Today I spent way too much time looking for a solution. I am writing a web app for my GoPiGo3 robot car. The first version used 5 JSF h:commandButton buttons labelled forward, right, reverse, left and stop. I wanted to replace them with icons from the Font Awesome library. I thought this was a… Read more »

Raspberry Pi, Java, and the GoPiGo3 – Part 1: Setting up the GoPiGo3

The following article assumes that you have successfully assembled the GoPiGo3 robot car from Dexter Industries. I found the assembly instructions well written and the parts are quite sturdy. I expected this considering that the GoPiGo3 is aimed at the education market rather than the hobbyist and to have a product that children will work with needs to be sturdy…. Read more »