Oracle CodeOne (JavaOne) Proposals for 2018

Thinking of presenting at a conference? I have been fortunate to speak at JavaOne these past four years. This year I will be presenting at ApacheCon in Montreal in September. What follows are the three presentations that I just submitted to CodeOne, the successor to JavaOne. I won’t know till mid June if any will be accepted. If you are thinking of submitting a proposal then my examples may help. If you see a change I should make, its May 2 and the deadline is May 10, then let me know.

Don’t answer the phone during your screen cast!

Yes, it happens, though, it might work if I could hear both sides of the conversation. Video instruction is fast surpassing the written word as a way to share what we learn with the community. Every laptop has a camera and microphone, so you are all set. Not so fast, there are a number of things you need to do to make a successful video or screen cast. In this session we will discuss the most common errors made and how to prevent them. You do not need to set up a studio in your home or workplace but there are a range of things you can do to make your screen cast watchable. And don’t forget, turn off the phone before you start recording.

Submitted as a Birds of a Feather session in the Developer Community

Running our Robot Overlords with JakartaEE

The Raspberry Pi is widely used as the brains of many a robotic project. Sadly, Java is not usually considered as the language to program our overlords. In this presentation we will review my experiments to develop a simple control system for a GoPiGo educational robot car. Using Enterprise Java, JakartaEE, microservices and JSF web applications can remotely control the car. Turning the car into a smart car can now be coded in the remote controller computer or directly as part of a web application. These same techniques can be used to control any Pi based project. All hail our Java-based robot overlords.

Submitted as a Developer Session in the Java Server-Side Development and Microservices

Got a gig teaching Java? You should be using Apache NetBeans in the classroom.

You just got a part time gig teaching Java at a local school or college. You have a good sense of what you plan to teach but which IDE should you use? Should you even use an IDE? The answer is quite simple, use Apache NetBeans. As an IDE NetBeans requires a user to know only a handful of commands. As the student’s skills increase more features of NetBeans can be revealed. Using the other IDEs out there require a significant investment in learning how to use them. It requires you to spend too much time doing technical support for the IDE. In this session I will explain why you should be teaching with NetBeans and, by extension, why you should be using it in the workplace.

Submitted as a Birds of a Feather session in the Development Tools

About Ken Fogel

Java Champion, JCP Executive Committee Member, Vice-President of the Jakarta EE Ambassadors, NetBeans Dream Team Member, and conference speaker/organizer. Currently a Research Scholar in Residence at Dawson College after retiring from the classroom. Passionate about teaching and inspiring everyone to be better programmers.

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